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A Companion to Comparative Literature

English · Hardback

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Informationen zum Autor Ali Behdad is John Charles Hillis Professor of Comparative Literature and Chair of English Department at UCLA. He is the author of Belated Travelers: Orientalism in the Age of Colonial Dissolution (1995) and A Forgetful Nation: On Immigration and Cultural Identity in the United States (2005). Dominic Thomas is Chair of the Departments of French and Francophone Studies and Italian at the University of California Los Angeles, where he is also Professor of Comparative Literature. He has edited several volumes on literary topics and is the author of Nation-Building, Propaganda and Literature in Francophone Africa (2002) and Black France: Colonialism, Immigration and Transnationalism (2007). Klappentext A Companion to Comparative Literature presents a collection of more than thirty original essays from established and emerging scholars, which explore the history, current state, and future of comparative literature.* Features over thirty original essays from leading international contributors* Provides a critical assessment of the status of literary and cross-cultural inquiry* Addresses the history, current state, and future of comparative literature* Chapters address such topics as the relationship between translation and transnationalism, literary theory and emerging media, the future of national literatures in an era of globalization, gender and cultural formation across time, East-West cultural encounters, postcolonial and diaspora studies, and other experimental approaches to literature and culture Zusammenfassung A Companion to Comparative Literature presents a collection of more than thirty original essays from established and emerging scholars, which explore the history, current state, and future of comparative literary studies. Inhaltsverzeichnis List of Contributors viii Introduction 1 Ali Behdad and Dominic Thomas Part I Roadmaps 13 1 A Discipline of Tolerance 15 Rey Chow 2 Why Compare? 28 David Ferris 3 Method and Congruity: The Odious Business of Comparative Literature 46 David Palumbo-Liu 4 Comparisons, World Literature, and the Common Denominator 60 Haun Saussy 5 Comparative Literature in America: Attempt at a Genealogy 65 Kenneth Surin Part II Theoretical Directions 7 3 6 The Poiein of Secular Criticism 75 Stathis Gourgouris 7 Vanishing Horizons: Problems in the Comparison of China and the West 88 Eric Hayot 8 Art and Literature in the Liquid Modern Age: On Richard Wollheim, Zygmunt Bauman and Yves Michaud 108 Efraín Kristal 9 A Literary Object's Contextual Life 120 Michael Lucey 10 The Theater of Comparative Literature 136 Sharon Marcus Part III Disciplinary Intersections 155 11 What Pictures Tell Us about the Letter: Visual and Literary Practices in Latin America 157 Jorge Coronado 12 If There's a Text in this Class, Where Did it Come From? Or, What Does Marilyn Monroe Have to do With The Sorrows of Young Man Werther ? 176 Richard Maxwell and Toby Miller 13 Comparative Literature in the Age of Digital Humanities: On Possible Futures for a Discipline 193 Todd Presner 14 Comparing Pain: Theoretical Explorations of Suffering and Working Towards the Particular 208 Zoë Norridge 15 Comparativism, Transfers, Entangled History: Sociological Perspectives on Literature 225 Gisèle Sapiro Part IV Linguistic Trajectories 237 16 Orphaned Language: Traumatic Crossings in Literature and History 239 Cathy Caruth 17 Contested Grammars: Comparative Literature, Translation, and the Challenge of Locality 254 ...

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