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Biogeodynamics of Pollutants in Soils and Sediments - Risk Assessment of Delayed and Non-Linear Responses

English · Hardback


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In the USA, Western and Central Europe, there are many large-scale polluted sites that are too large to be cleaned up economically with available technologies. The pollution is caused by heavy industries to soils and sediments in waterways and reservoirs. Since these areas are expected to remain polluted for many years, it is necessary to take a long-term view to insure that the capacity to retain the contaminants is not diminished and to understand the potential for large-scale contaminant mobilization at these sites triggered by changing environmental conditions.
This book provides information for predicting long-term changes and making risk assessments and describes the approach of geochemical engineering to handling large-scale polluted sites.

Product details

Publisher Springer, Berlin
Languages English
Product format Hardback
Released 01.01.1995
EAN 9783540587323
ISBN 978-3-540-58732-3
No. of pages 352
Weight 690 g
Illustrations w. 121 figs.
Series Environmental Science
Subject Non-fiction book > Nature, technology > Nature and society: general, reference works

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