Fr. 236.00

Egyptian Heaven and Hell: Volume III (Routledge Revivals)

English · Hardback

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Informationen zum Autor E. A. Wallis Budge Klappentext @text: This is the third of three volumes, first published in 1906, which treat the Egyptian theology of the afterlife. The first volume contains the complete hieroglyphic text of the Book Åm-Tuat, with translations and reproductions of all the illustrations; the second, the hieroglyphic text of the short form of the Åm-Tuat and the Book of Gates. This volume explores the origin of the Books of the Other World, highlighting and comparing the most remarkable features, with prefatory remarks and a full index to the whole work. Zusammenfassung This is the third of three volumes, first published in 1906, which treat the Egyptian theology of the afterlife. The first volume contains the complete hieroglyphic text of the Book Åm-?uat, with translations and reproductions of all the illustrations; the second, the hieroglyphic text of the short form of the Åm-Tuat and the Book of Gates. This volume explores the origin of the Books of the Other World, highlighting and comparing the most remarkable features, with prefatory remarks and a full index to the whole work. The object of all the Books of the Other World was to provide the dead with a ‘guide’ or ‘handbook,’ containing a description of the regions through which their souls would have to pass on their way to the Kingdom of Osiris, and which would supply them with the words of power and magical names necessary for an unimpeded journey from this world to the next. Inhaltsverzeichnis I. Origin of Illustrated Guides to the Other World, II. The Earliest Egyptian Conception of the Other World, III. The Reunion of the Beatified and their Recognition of each other in the other World, IV. The Book Am-Tuat and the Book of Gates, V. The Book Am-Tuat and the Book of Gates compared — The Western Vestibule of the Tuat, VI. Second Division of the Tuat, VII. Third Division of the Tuat, VIII. Fourth and Fifth Divisions of the Tuat. From the Book Am-Tuat, IX. Fourth and Fifth Divisions of the Tuat. From the Book of Gates, X. Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Divisions of the Tuat. From the Book Am-Tuat, XI. Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Divisions of the Tuat. From the Book of Gates, XII. Tenth and Eleventh Divisions of the Tuat. From the Book Am-Tuat, XIII. Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Divisions of the Tuat. From the Book of Gates, XIV. The Eastern Vestibule of the Tuat ...

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