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Modernity in Crisis - A Dialogue on the Culture of Belonging

English · Hardback

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Zusatztext "Passionate and erudite! engagingly written and courageously profound! this new book by Leonidas Donskis highlights the meanders! dilemmas! and paradoxes of modernity. It should be read by all those who reject simplistic platitudes and who are not afraid of often disturbing complexities." - Vladimir Tismaneanu! University of Maryland"This is a powerful original contribution to the philosophy of culture. Donskis shows that modernity is perforce always troubled! for we are confronted with competing cultural and political traditions from which we have emerged! while we are obliged to face divergent directions for our next steps. The result of Donskis s bold exploration is an impressive travelogue of the human spirit in which the reader takes an active part. This is truly what must be called an engaging book." - Robert Ginsberg! Director! The International Center for the Arts! Humanities! and Value Inquiry Informationen zum Autor LEONIDAS DONSKIS is Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy at Vytautas Magnus University Kaunas, Lithuania. Klappentext A blend of political theory, social theory, and philosophy of culture, the book will show the relationship and tension between thought and action, politics and literature, power and dissent in modern politics and culture. Zusammenfassung A blend of political theory! social theory! and philosophy of culture! the book will show the relationship and tension between thought and action! politics and literature! power and dissent in modern politics and culture. Inhaltsverzeichnis Troubled Identity, or the European Canon and the Dilemmas of Memory Secrets, Mysteries, and Conspiracies, or What am I not Supposed to Know? From Stendhal to Zygmunt Bauman: Two Kinds of Anxiety, or Tell Me What You Fear the Most Hijacking Someone Else's Narrative, Employing Comparative Martyrology, and Inflating the Concepts, or Who is Suffering the Most? In the Name of Civilization, or the New Masks of Fear and Hatred...

List of contents

Troubled Identity, or the European Canon and the Dilemmas of Memory Secrets, Mysteries, and Conspiracies, or What am I not Supposed to Know? From Stendhal to Zygmunt Bauman: Two Kinds of Anxiety, or Tell Me What You Fear the Most Hijacking Someone Else's Narrative, Employing Comparative Martyrology, and Inflating the Concepts, or Who is Suffering the Most? In the Name of Civilization, or the New Masks of Fear and Hatred


"Passionate and erudite, engagingly written and courageously profound, this new book by Leonidas Donskis highlights the meanders, dilemmas, and paradoxes of modernity. It should be read by all those who reject simplistic platitudes and who are not afraid of often disturbing complexities." - Vladimir Tismaneanu, University of Maryland"This is a powerful original contribution to the philosophy of culture. Donskis shows that modernity is perforce always troubled, for we are confronted with competing cultural and political traditions from which we have emerged, while we are obliged to face divergent directions for our next steps. The result of Donskis s bold exploration is an impressive travelogue of the human spirit in which the reader takes an active part. This is truly what must be called an engaging book." - Robert Ginsberg, Director, The International Center for the Arts, Humanities, and Value Inquiry

Product details

Authors L Donskis, L. Donskis, Leonidas Donskis, Donskis Leonidas
Publisher Palgrave UK
Languages English
Product format Hardback
Released 09.08.2011
EAN 9780230108790
ISBN 978-0-230-10879-0
No. of pages 205
Subjects Humanities, art, music > History
Social sciences, law, business > Political science > Political science and political education

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