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The Broken Eye - Lightbringer

English · Paperback / Softback


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As the old gods awaken, the Chromeria is in a race to find its lost Prism, the only man who may be able to stop catastrophe, Gavin Guile. But Gavin's enslaved on a galley, and when he finally escapes, he finds himself in less than friendly hands. Without the ability to draft which has defined him . . .

Meanwhile, the Color Prince's army continues its inexorable advance, having swallowed two of the seven satrapies, they now invade the Blood Forest. Andross Guile, thinking his son Gavin lost, tasks his two grandsons with stopping the advance. Kip and his psychopathic half-brother Zymun will compete for the ultimate prize: who will become the next Prism.

About the author

Brent Weeks betrachtete das Schreiben fantastischer Geschichten schon immer als seine Berufung, inzwischen ist es auch sein Beruf geworden. Brent Weeks lebt mit seiner Frau in Oregon.

Product details

Authors Brent Weeks
Publisher Orbit
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 26.08.2014
EAN 9781841499109
ISBN 978-1-84149-910-9
Dimensions 155 mm x 235 mm x 47 mm
Series Orbit
Subject Fiction > Science fiction, fantasy

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