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The most comprehensive volume ever published on Alfred Hitchcock, covering his career and legacy as well as the broader cultural and intellectual contexts of his work.
* Contains thirty chapters by the leading Hitchcock scholars
* Covers his long career, from his earliest contributions to other directors' silent films to his last uncompleted last film
* Details the enduring legacy he left to filmmakers and audiences alike
List of contents
Notes on Contributors x
Introduction 1
Thomas Leitch and Leland Poague
Part I Background 9
1. Hitchcock's Lives 11
Thomas Leitch
2. Hitchcock's Literary Sources 28
Ken Mogg
3. Hitchcock and Early Filmmakers 48
Charles Barr
4. Hitchcock's Narrative Modernism: Ironies of Fictional Time 67
Thomas Hemmeter
Part II Genre 87
5. Hitchcock and Romance 89
Lesley Brill
6. Family Plots: Hitchcock and Melodrama 109
Richard R. Ness
7. Conceptual Suspense in Hitchcock's Films 126
Paula Marantz Cohen
Part III Collaboration 139
8. "Tell Me the Story So Far": Hitchcock and His Writers 141
Leland Poague
9. Suspicion: Collusion and Resistance in the Work of Hitchcock's Female Collaborators 162
Tania Modleski
10. A Surface Collaboration: Hitchcock and Performance 181
Susan White
Part IV Style 199
11. Aesthetic Space in Hitchcock 201
Brigitte Peucker
12. Hitchcock and Music 219
Jack Sullivan
13. Some Hitchcockian Shots 237
Murray Pomerance
Part V Development 253
14. Hitchcock's Silent Cinema 255
Sidney Gottlieb
15. Gaumont Hitchcock 270
Tom Ryall
16. Hitchcock Discovers America: The Selznick-Era Films 289
Ina Rae Hark
17. From Transatlantic to Warner Bros. 309
David Sterritt
18. Hitchcock, Metteur-en-scène: 1954-60 329
Joe McElhaney
19. The Universal Hitchcock 347
William Rothman
Part VI Auteurism 365
20. French Hitchcock, 1945-55 367
James M. Vest
21. Lost in Translation? Listening to the Hitchcock-Truffaut Interview 387
Janet Bergstrom
22. Robin Wood's Hitchcock 405
Harry Oldmeadow
Part VII Ideology 425
23. Accidental Heroes and Gifted Amateurs: Hitchcock and Ideology 427
Toby Miller with Noel King
24. Hitchcock and Feminist Criticism: From Rebecca to Marnie 452
Florence Jacobowitz
25. Queer Hitchcock 473
Alexander Doty
Part VIII Ethics 491
26. Hitchcock and Philosophy 493
Richard Gilmore
27. Hitchcock's Ethics of Suspense: Psychoanalysis and the Devaluation of the Object 508
Todd McGowan
28. Occasions of Sin: The Forgotten Cigarette Lighter and Other Moral Accidents in Hitchcock 529
George Toles
Part IX Beyond Hitchcock 553
29. Hitchcock and the Postmodern 555
Angelo Restivo
30. Hitchcock's Legacy 572
Richard Allen
Index 592
About the author
Thomas Leitch is Professor of English at the University of Delaware, where he directs the Film Studies Program.
Leland Poague is Professor of English at Iowa State University.
Alfred Hitchcock remains the quintessential cinematic auteur - the director as hero. Debate over his status as an obsessive and dictatorial artist has raised pressing questions about the relation between individual authorship and contexts, influences, and collaborators.
"In summation, A Companion to Hitchcock will be required reading for anyone with more than a passing interest in this director's films." (Cercles, 1 September 2014)
"Teachers and students alike will find much to keep themselves busy in A Companion to Alfred Hitchcock." (Psychobabble200, 20 March 2014) "A great resource for students of Hitchcock's films, craft, thought, influences, and aesthetics. Summing Up: Highly recommended." - Choice
"In my view this book is the most exciting work on Hitchcock and one which will become a prime source for Hitchcockian scholars." - Reference Reviews