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Companion to the Punic Wars

English · Hardback

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Informationen zum Autor Dexter Hoyos is retired Associate Professor in Classics and Ancient History from the University of Sydney, Australia. He has published extensively on Latin teaching and aspects of Roman and Carthaginian history (including on Hannibal's actual route over the Alps). His books include Unplanned Wars (1998), Hannibal's Dynasty (2003), Truceless War (2007), and Hannibal: Rome's Greatest Enemy (2008). Klappentext Widely considered the greatest conflicts of antiquity, the Punic Wars irrevocably changed the course of world history. A Companion to the Punic Wars provides a comprehensive new survey of the three wars fought by Rome and Carthage between 264 and 146 BC. Featuring a series of thought provoking essays from a community of distinguished international scholars, the collection provides a unique portrayal of the bloody "hundred years' war" that created a legend out of Hannibal and left Rome with a world empire. The three wars are covered comprehensively from the Roman and Carthaginian military and naval strategies to diplomacy, economic and social factors, historiography, and the achievements of the charismatic Carthaginian general Hannibal. A Companion to the Punic Wars offers invaluable new insights to students and scholars alike into an epic struggle that had far reaching impacts on the Western world. Zusammenfassung A Companion to the Punic Wars offers a comprehensive new survey of the three wars fought between Rome and Carthage between 264 and 146 BC. Inhaltsverzeichnis List of Tables viii List of Maps ix Notes on Contributors x List of Abbreviations xvi Introduction: The Punic Wars 1 Dexter Hoyos Part I Background and Sources 7 1 The Rise of Rome to 264 9 John Serrati 2 Early Relations between Rome and Carthage 28 Barbara Scardigli 3 The Rise of Carthage to 264 39 Walter Ameling 4 Manpower and Food Supply in the First and Second Punic Wars 58 Paul Erdkamp 5 Phalanx and Legion: the "Face" of Punic War Battle 77 Sam Koon 6 Polybius and the Punic Wars 95 Craige B. Champion 7 Principal Literary Sources for the Punic Wars (apart from Polybius) 111 Bernard Mineo PART II T he First Punic War and Aftermath 129 8 The Outbreak of war 131 Dexter Hoyos 9 A War of Phases: Strategies and Stalemates 264-241 149 Boris Rankov 10 Roman Politics in the First Punic War 167 Bruno Bleckmann 11 Roman Politics and Expansion, 241-219 184 Luigi Loreto 12 Carthage in Africa and Spain, 241-218 204 Dexter Hoyos PART III T he Second Punic War 223 13 The Reasons for the War 225 Hans Beck 14 Hannibal: Tactics, Strategy, and Geostrategy 242 Michael P. Fronda 15 Hannibal and Propaganda 260 Richard Miles 16 Roman Strategy and Aims in the Second Punic War 280 Klaus Zimmermann 17 The War in Italy, 218-203 299 Louis Rawlings 18 War Abroad: Spain, Sicily, Macedon, Africa 320 Peter Edwell 19 Rome, Latins, and Italians in the Second Punic War 339 Kathryn Lomas 20 Punic Politics, Economy, and Alliances, 218-201 357 Pedro Barceló 21 Roman Economy, Finance, and Politics in the Second Punic War 376 Toni Ñaco del Hoyo PART IV T he Last Half-Century of Carthage 393 22 Carthage and Numidia, 201-149 395 Claudia Kunze 23 Italy: Economy and Demography after Hannibal's War 412 Nathan Rosenstein 24 The "Third Punic War": The Siege of Carthage (148-146 bc) 430 Yann Le Bohec PART V Conclusions 447 25 Death and Trans...

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