Fr. 12.10

Great Expectations

English · Paperback / Softback

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Klappentext Created by Harvard students for students everywhere, each title in the 'Sparknotes' series contains complete plot summary and analysis, key facts about the work, an analysis of the major characters, suggested essay topics, themes, motifs, and symbols, and an explanation of important quotations. Zusammenfassung When an essay is due and dreaded exams loom! this title offers students what they need to succeed. It provides chapter-by-chapter analysis! explanations of key themes! motifs and symbols! a review quiz! and essay topics. It is suitable for late-night studying and paper writing.

Product details

Authors Dickens, Charles Dickens, Sparknotes, Charles SparkNotes (COR)/ Dickens, Sparknotes Editors
Assisted by Sparknotes (Editor)
Publisher Spark publishing group
Languages English
Age Recommendation ages 14 to 18
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 04.02.2014
EAN 9781411469563
ISBN 978-1-4114-6956-3
Dimensions 134 mm x 210 mm x 5 mm
Series SparkNotes Literature Guide
SparkNotes Literature Guide
Spark notes
SparkNotes Literature Guide Series
Subjects Education and learning > Readings/interpretations/reading notes > German
Humanities, art, music > Linguistics and literary studies > General and comparative literary studies

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