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Modern Methods of Plant Analysis / Moderne Methoden der Pflanzenanalyse

English · Paperback / Softback

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List of contents

- Contents.- Special Methods of Isolation and Purification.- Enzymes du Métabolisme du Soufre.- Enzymes of Phosphate Metabolism.- Enzymes of Inorganic Nitrogen Metabolism.- Enzymes of Vitamin Metabolism.- Enzyme des L-Ascorbinsäure-Stoflwechsels.- Enzymes Involved in the Synthesis and Breakdown of Indoleacetic Acid.- Enzymes of Aromatic Biosynthesis.- Enzymes of Amino Acid Metabolism..- 1. Enzymes of Deamination, Decarboxylation, Transmethylation and Intermediary Metabolism.- 2: Transaminases and Racemases.- Enzymes of Peptide and Protein Metabolism.- Enzymes of Synthesis of Purine and Pyrimidine Nucleotides.- Enzymes of Fat Metabolism.- A. Plant Lipases.- B. Phospholipases.- C. ?-Oxidation.- D. ?-Oxidation.- E. Lipoxidase.- F. Synthesis of Fatty Acids.- Enzymes of Carbohydrate Synthesis.- Enzymes of Glycolysis.- Enzymes of the Pentose Phosphate Cycle.- Enzyme Systems in Photosynthesis.- Enzymes of the Krebs Cycle, the Glyoxalate Cycle and Related Enzymes.- Enzymes of Terminal Respiration.- Summary of Recommendations on Enzyme Terminology. (By the Commission on Enzymes of the International Union of Biochemistry, 1961).- Sachverzeichnis (Deutsch-Englisch).- Subject Index (English-German).- Table des Matières pour la Contribution: F. Chapeville et P. Fromageot, Enzymes du Métabolisme du Soufre.

Product details

Publisher Springer, Berlin
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 26.07.2013
EAN 9783642481437
ISBN 978-3-642-48143-7
No. of pages 736
Weight 1285 g
Illustrations XXIV, 736 p. 13 illus.
Series Modern Methods of Plant Analysis Moderne Methoden der Pflanzenanalyse
Modern Methods of Plant Analysis Moderne Methoden der Pflanzenanalyse
Subject Natural sciences, medicine, IT, technology > Biology > Botany

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