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Discrete Choice Experiments in Marketing - Use of Priors in Efficient Choice Designs and Their Application to Individual Preference Measurement. Diss.

English · Paperback / Softback

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The chapter starts with a positioning of this dissertation in the marketing discipline. It then provides a comparison of the two most popular methods for studying consumer preferences/choices, namely conjoint analysis and discrete choice experiments. Chapter 1 continues with a description of the context of discrete choice experiments. Subsequently, the research problems and the objectives ofthis dissertation are discussed. The chapter concludes with an outline of the organization of this dissertation. 1. 1 Positioning of the Dissertation During this century, increasing globalization and technological progress has forced companies to undergo rapid and dramatic changes-for some a threat, for others it offers new opportunities. Companies have to survive in a Darwinian marketplace where the principle of natural selection applies. Marketplace success goes to those companies that are able to produce marketable value, Le. , products and services that others are willing to purchase (Kotler 1997). Every company must be engaged in new-product development to create the new products customers want because competitors will do their best to supply them. Besides offering competitive advantages, new products usually lead to sales growth and stability. As household incomes increase and consumers become more selective, fmns need to know how consumers respond to different features and appeals. Successful products and services begin with a thorough understanding of consumer needs and wants. Stated otherwise, companies need to know about consumer preferences to manufacture tailor-made products, consumers are willing to buy.

List of contents

1. Introduction.- 2. Review of Linear Design and Discrete Choice Models.- 3. Designs for Discrete Choice Models.- 4. Using Priors in Choice Designs.- 5. Individual Choice Models.- 6. Conclusion.- Appendix A: Derivation of Probability-Centered Estimation Error.- Appendix B: Example Screens of Self-Explicated Task.- Appendix C: Example Screen of Conjoint Task.- Appendix D: Example Screen of Choice Task.- Appendix E: Holdout Choice Sets.- Appendix F: Experimental Conjoint Design.- Appendix G: Experimental Choice Designs and Partworth Values.- References.

Product details

Authors Klaus Zwerina
Publisher Physica-Verlag
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 01.01.1997
EAN 9783790810455
ISBN 978-3-7908-1045-5
No. of pages 173
Dimensions 156 mm x 236 mm x 12 mm
Weight 349 g
Illustrations XIII, 173 p. 5 illus.
Series Contributions to Management Science
Contributions to Management Science
Subject Social sciences, law, business > Business > Advertising, marketing

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