Fr. 62.30

Israel, Palestine and the Politics of Race - Exploring Identity and Power in a Global Context

English · Paperback / Softback

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Informationen zum Autor Yasmeen Abu-Laban is Professor and Canada Research Chair in the Politics of Citizenship and Human Rights in the Department of Political Science, University of Alberta. Abigail B. Bakan is Professor in the Department of Social Justice Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto, Canada. Klappentext As the situation in Israel/Palestine seems to become ever more intractable and protracted, the need for new ways of looking at recent developments and its historical roots is more pressing than ever. Bearing this in mind, Yasmeen Abu-Laban and Abigail Bakan discuss the historic and contemporary developments in Israel/Palestine, and their international reverberations, from the unique vantage point of 'race', racialization, racism and anti-racism. They therefore offer close analysis of the 'idea' of Israel and the 'absence' of Palestine by examining the concepts of race and identity in the region. With fresh coverage of themes relating to gender, indigeneity, the environment , surveillance and the war on terror, Israel, Palestine and the Politics of Race will appeal to scholars in political science, sociology and Middle East studies. Zusammenfassung As the situation in Israel/Palestine seems to become ever more intractable and protracted! the need for new ways of looking at recent developments and its historical roots is more pressing than ever. Inhaltsverzeichnis AcknowledgementsList of AbbreviationsIntroductionPart One: Social Sciences and the Israel/Palestine Racial Contract1. The Idea of Israel and the Absence of Palestine: Limits and Possibilities for Scholarship2. The Racial Contract and Israel/Palestine3. Israel/Palestine from Local to Global: Palestine in the Post 9/11 EraPart Two: Global Politics and the Israel/Palestine Racial Contract4. The Paradox of the United Nations: Human Rights, Israel and Palestine5. Indigenous Palestine: Contested Origin Stories and the UN Declaration for the Rights of Indigenous People6. Global Civil Society and "United Nations from Below": The BDS Movement7. Israel's Rebranding Campaign and the Politics of Gender8. Environmental Racism and Contested Territory: Land, Water and Air in Israel/Palestine9. Israel/Palestine and the apartheid analysis: Toward a one-state solution? Conclusion: Global Response to the Israel/Palestine Racial Contract: BDS from South Africa to PalestineEpilogue: Towards a Politics of Solidarity...

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