Fr. 93.60

Affirming the Absurd in Harold Pinter

English · Hardback

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Zusatztext "By drawing out multidimensional implications! [Chui] foregrounds positive elements often neglected in Pinter studies and helps widen perception of Pinter's work. Summing Up: Recommended. Upper-division undergraduates through faculty." - CHOICE Informationen zum Autor Jane Wong Yeang Chui is Assistant Professor at Nanyang University, Singapore Klappentext Using Martin Esslin's "invention" - the Theatre of the Absurd - to examine Pinter's works, Wong brings the complexities and intricacies of the plays to the forefront, provoking readers and audiences to reconsider and problematize more conventional studies of his plays. Zusammenfassung Using Martin Esslin's "invention" - the Theatre of the Absurd - to examine Pinter's works, Wong brings the complexities and intricacies of the plays to the forefront, provoking readers and audiences to reconsider and problematize more conventional studies of his plays. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Introduction 2. Intruders as Liberators in The Birthday Party 3. Estrangement and Reconnection in The Caretaker 4. Implied Silence: Anatomizing Friendship and Betrayal in The Dwarfs 5. Conceptualizing Structure, Freedom, and Desire in The French Lieutenant's Woman 6. Epilogue

List of contents

1. Introduction 2. Intruders as Liberators in The Birthday Party 3. Estrangement and Reconnection in The Caretaker 4. Implied Silence: Anatomizing Friendship and Betrayal in The Dwarfs 5. Conceptualizing Structure, Freedom, and Desire in The French Lieutenant's Woman 6. Epilogue


"By drawing out multidimensional implications, [Chui] foregrounds positive elements often neglected in Pinter studies and helps widen perception of Pinter's work. Summing Up: Recommended. Upper-division undergraduates through faculty." - CHOICE

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