Fr. 13.90

The Believer - Issue 103

English · Paperback / Softback

Will be released 12.11.2013


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The Believer is a monthly magazine where length is no object. There are book reviews that are not necessarily timely, and that are very often long. There are also interviews that are very long. Focusing on writers and books they like, The Believer gives people and books the benefit of the doubt. The working title of this magazine was The Optimist.

About the author

The Believer is edited by Heidi Julavits, Andrew Leland, and Vendela Vida.


The Believer is a monthly magazine where length is no object. There are book reviews that are not necessarily timely, and that are very often long. There are also interviews that are very long. Focusing on writers and books they like, The Believer gives people and books the benefit of the doubt. The working title of this magazine was The Optimist.

Product details

Authors Heidi Julavits, Heidi (EDT)/ Leland Julavits
Assisted by Heidi Julavits (Editor), Andrew Leland (Editor), Vendela Vida (Editor)
Publisher Oneworld
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Release 12.11.2013, delayed
EAN 9781938073663
ISBN 978-1-938073-66-3
No. of pages 80
Subject Humanities, art, music > Art

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