Fr. 60.50

International Management Behavior - Global and Sustainable Leadership

English · Paperback / Softback

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This is the seventh edition of International Management Behavior, an established text for students and executives developing the knowledge, perspective and skills required for leading and managing people in global business.
This guide provides a comprehensive overview of international management, structured around the core challenges and opportunities faced by global managers. This encompasses: the role of the global manager, working on an individual and organizational level, and understanding how to manage a diverse workforce. Individual chapters address key subjects, including: the global mindset, working effectively across cultures, strategy execution, change management and working in global teams. This edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect recent developments in ethics and corporate sustainability.
Based on over 40 years of teaching and research, International Management Behavior 7e is designed to stimulate and facilitate learning. This text combines a wealth of theoretical knowledge with current real-world examples across a range of cultures and industry sectors. The authors focus on research that provides the most immediate, practical guidance for managers, with well-chosen examples to demonstrate practical implementation and bring key concepts to life.
To accompany the revised and updated seventh edition of International Management Behavior, updated instructor support material has been supplied at, including PowerPoint slides and teaching notes. This instructor site has been designed in conjunction with the main text to assist the teaching and development of global leaders.

List of contents

Acknowledgments xi
Introduction 1
Part 1 5
Chapter 1 The Global Manager 7
Part 2 31
Chapter 2 Understanding Culture: Through the Looking Glass 33
Chapter 3 Interpersonal Skills for International Management: The MBI Model for High Performance 71
Chapter 4 Managing Global Teams and Networks 97
Part 3 121
Chapter 5 Executing Global Strategy 123
Chapter 6 Talent Management: Selecting and Developing Global Managers 169
Chapter 7 Managing Change in Global Organizations 191
Part 4 215
Chapter 8 Competing with Integrity in Global Business: Personal Integrity 217
Chapter 9 Competing with Integrity in Global Business: Corporate Sustainability 255
Index 281

About the author

Joseph J. Distefano, III received his M.S. in Control Systems and Ph.D. in Biocybernetics from the UCLA in 1966. He is currently Professor of Computer Science and Medicine, Director of the Biocybernetics Research Laboratory, and Chair of the Cybernetics Interdepartmental program at UCLA. He is also on the Editorial boards of Annals of Biomedical Engineering and Optimal Control Applications and Methods, and is Editor and Founder of the Modeling Methodology Forum in the American Journals of Physiology. He is author of more than 100 research articles and books and is actively involved in systems modeling theory and software developments as well as experimental laboratory research in physiology.


This is the seventh edition of International Management Behavior, an established text for students and executives developing the knowledge, perspective and skills required for leading and managing people in global business.

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