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Prometheus - The George Dillman Story

English · Paperback / Softback


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Klappentext This is the first and only biography -- authorised or otherwise -- of Grandmaster 10th Degree Black Belt, George A Dillman irrefutably one of the pioneers of the Eastern martial arts in post World War II America. For anyone with an interest in the evolution of these arts in the West, Dillmans experience provides a veritable Whos Who of those exciting times. The author is acknowledged as perhaps the foremost authority on Pressure Point Theory applied to the martial arts in the U.S. Prometheus details the kind of hard science that Dillman engaged and sponsored (cadaver studies, EKG studies, electrical and neurological monitoring, thermal imaging) of Eastern Pressure Point Theory. Three medical doctors and a SWAT officer -- among his highest ranking students -- add their expertise to this book with reports of their investigations of Dillmans methods. Having trained under the likes of Harry Smith, Danny Pai and Hohan Soken, Dillman was one of the most awarded competitors on the tournament circuit in the 1960s and 70s, and received advanced instructor certifications in a wide variety of martial arts.Dillman was always dedicated to sharing the works benefits for both health and self defence. During the 1980s and 90s, for example, he partnered with other great Headmasters -- Wally Jay (Small Circle Jujitsu), Remy Presas (Modern Arnis) and Leo Fong (Wei Kuen Do) -- to give seminars all over the world. With testimonies from 50 of his peers and students (now teachers), the book is a record of his contributions to others, both personal and professional. As much of the narrative is offered in Dillmans own words, the reader meets the man himself -- his unvarnished prose, his quirky interactions with animals (even cougars and bears!), his irrepressible sense of humour, and his sheer determination in pushing limits in whatever he undertook. George is now the CEO of Dillman Karate International, a global organisation with hundreds of affiliated schools and tens of thousands of students. ...

Product details

Authors George A Dillman, George A. Dillman, George A./ Students Dillman
Publisher External catalogues_UK
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 15.07.2013
EAN 9781935826286
ISBN 978-1-935826-28-6
Dimensions 155 mm x 230 mm x 15 mm
Subject Non-fiction book > Philosophy, religion > Biographies, autobiographies

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