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Utopia in the Age of Globalization - Space, Representation, and the World-System

English · Hardback

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Zusatztext "A timely and significant intervention in contemporary discussions of globalization and utopia. The scope of the book is wide-ranging and ambitious! touching on a richly diverse set of topics! including contemporary critical theory! the figure of the world market! financial derivatives! the spaces of the global city! and narrative." - Phillip E. Wegner! Marston-Milbauer Eminent Scholar! University of Florida! USA and author of Imaginary Communities: Utopia! the Nation! and the Spatial Histories of Modernity! Life Between Two Deaths! 1989 2001: U.S. Culture in the Long Nineties! and Periodizing Jameson; or! The Adventures of Theory in Post-Contemporary Times. Informationen zum Autor Robert T. Tally Jr. is Associate Professor of English at Texas State University, USA. He is the translator of Bertrand Westphal s Geocriticism: Real and Fictional Spaces. Klappentext The idea of "Utopia" has made a comeback in the age of globalization, and the bewildering technological shifts and economic uncertainties of the present era call for novel forms of utopia. Tally argues that a new form of utopian discourse is needed for understanding, and moving beyond, the current world system. Zusammenfassung The idea of "Utopia" has made a comeback in the age of globalization! and the bewildering technological shifts and economic uncertainties of the present era call for novel forms of utopia. Tally argues that a new form of utopian discourse is needed for understanding! and moving beyond! the current world system. Inhaltsverzeichnis Preface Acknowledgements Introduction: 'A map of the world which does not contain Utopia' 1. The End of Utopia at the Present Time 2. A Meditation on the Impossible 3. Power to the Imagination 4. Mapping the Postnational World System Conclusion: Hic Sunt Dracones Bibliography Index

List of contents

Preface Acknowledgements Introduction: 'A map of the world which does not contain Utopia' 1. The End of Utopia at the Present Time 2. A Meditation on the Impossible 3. Power to the Imagination 4. Mapping the Postnational World System Conclusion: Hic Sunt Dracones Bibliography Index


"A timely and significant intervention in contemporary discussions of globalization and utopia. The scope of the book is wide-ranging and ambitious, touching on a richly diverse set of topics, including contemporary critical theory, the figure of the world market, financial derivatives, the spaces of the global city, and narrative." - Phillip E. Wegner, Marston-Milbauer Eminent Scholar, University of Florida, USA and author of Imaginary Communities: Utopia, the Nation, and the Spatial Histories of Modernity, Life Between Two Deaths, 1989 2001: U.S. Culture in the Long Nineties, and Periodizing Jameson; or, The Adventures of Theory in Post-Contemporary Times.

Product details

Authors Kenneth A Loparo, Kenneth A. Loparo, Dr. Robert T. Tally, R. Tally, Robert T. Tally, Robert T Tally Jr, Robert T. Tally Jr, Robert T. Tally Jr., Tally Jr. Robert T.
Publisher Palgrave UK
Languages English
Product format Hardback
Released 26.02.2013
EAN 9780230391895
ISBN 978-0-230-39189-5
No. of pages 127
Series Palgrave Pivot
Palgrave Pivot
Subject Humanities, art, music > Linguistics and literary studies > Romance linguistics / literary studies

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