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Informationen zum Autor Rob Stone is Professor of European Film in the Department of Art History, Film and Visual Studies at the University of Birmingham where he directs B-Film: The Birmingham Centre for Film Studies. He is the author of Spanish Cinema (2001), The Wounded Throat: Flamenco in the Works of Federico García Lorca and Carlos Saura (2004), Julio Medem (2007) and Walk, Don't Run: The Cinema of Richard Linklater (2013). Julián Daniel Gutiérrez Albilla is Assistant Professor of Spanish at the University of Southern California. He has published on a wide range of Hispanic films including articles and chapters in edited works on Pedro Almodóvar, Hector Babenco, Luis Buñuel or Lucrecia Martel. He is the author of Queering Buñuel: Sexual Dissidence and Psychoanalysis in his Mexican and Spanish Cinema (2008). Klappentext A Companion to Luis Buñuel presents a collection of critical readings by many of the foremost film scholars that examines and reassesses myriad facets of world-renowned filmmaker Luis Buñuel's life, works, and cinematic themes.* A collection of critical readings that examine and reassess the controversial filmmaker's life, works, and cinematic themes* Features readings from several of the most highly-regarded experts on the cinema of Buñuel* Includes a multidisciplinary range of approaches from experts in film studies, Hispanic studies, Surrealism, and theoretical concepts such as those of Gilles Deleuze* Presents a previously unpublished interview with Luis Buñuel's son, Juan Luis Buñuel Zusammenfassung A Companion to Luis Bunuel presents a collection of critical readings by many of the foremost film scholars that examines and reassesses myriad facets of world-renowned filmmaker Luis Bunuel s life, works, and cinematic themes. Inhaltsverzeichnis Contributors viii Acknowledgments xviii Introduction: The "Criminal" Life of Luis Buñuel 1 Rob Stone and Julián Daniel Gutiérrez-Albilla Part One An Aragonese Dog 59 1 Interview with Juan Luis Buñuel 61 Rob Stone 2 Luis Buñuel and the Politics of Self-Presentation 79 Julie Jones 3 Buñuel, Master Pyrotechnician: The Role of Firearms in His Cinema 98 Guy H. Wood and Javier Herrera Navarro 4 Buñuel's Critique of Nationalism: A Migratory Aesthetic? 116 Mieke Bal Part Two A Golden Age 139 5 Surreal Souls: Un chien andalou and Early French Film Theory 141 Sarah Cooper 6 Fixed-Explosive: Buñuel's Surrealist Time-Image 156 Ramona Fotiade 7 L'Âge d'or 172 Agustín Sánchez Vidal 8 Buñuel Entomographer: From Las Hurdes to Robinson Crusoe 188 Tom Conley Part Three The Forgotten One 203 9 The Complicit Eye: Directorial and Ocular Paradigms in Luis Buñuel's Mexican Films and Interdisciplinary Visuality (1940s and 1950s) 205 Erica Segre 10 Out of Place, Out of Synch: Errant Movement and Rhythm in Buñuel's Mexican Comedies 226 Tom Whittaker 11 Susana: Melodrama and the Voluptuosity of Destruction 240 María Pilar Rodríguez 12 Young Outlaws and Marginal Lives in Latin American Cinema: The Landmark of Buñuel's Los olvidados 255 Ana Moraña Part Four Strange Passions 277 13 The Creative Process of Robinson Crusoe: Exile, Loneliness, and Humanism 279 Amparo Martínez Herranz 14 The Cinematic Labor of Affect: Urbanity and Sentimental Education in El bruto and Ensayo de un crimen 302 Geoffrey Kantaris 15 Stars in the Wilderness: La Mort en ce jardin 324 Sarah Leahy 16 Transitional Triptych: The Traps of International Cinemas in Buñuel's Cela s'appelle l'aurore, La Mort en ce jardin, and La Fièvre monte à El Pao 3...

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