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From the Ruins of Empire - The Revolt Against the West and the Remaking of Asia

English · Paperback

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Informationen zum Autor Pankaj Mishra is the author of From the Ruins of Empire and several other books. He is a columnist at Bloomberg View and the New York Times Book Review, and writes regularly for The Guardian , the London Review of Books , and the New Yorker. A fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, he lives in London. Klappentext Pankaj Mishra is the author of Butter Chicken in Ludiana, The Romantics, An End to Suffering and Temptations of the West . He writes principally for the Guardian, The New York Times, London Review of Books and New York Review of Books . He lives in London, Shimla and New York. Zusammenfassung Tells the history of the past two centuries, showing how a disparate group of thinkers, journalists, radicals and charismatics emerged from the ruins of empire to create an unstoppable Asian renaissance, one whose ideas lie behind everything from the Chinese Communist Party to the Muslim Brotherhood, and have made our world what it is today.

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