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Musical Consonance and Cochlear Mechanics

English, German · Paperback / Softback

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This monograph is focussed onto the sensory consonance oftwo simultaneous complex tones. It is intended to add weightto the hypothesis that our preference for certain two-tones(e.g., for major or minor thirds at female-singing pitch, or forperfect fifths at bass pitch) is not only due to education, butis based on the physiology of our hearing organs. The readersare expected to know biology, physics, and mathematics athigh-school level. Exercises and their solutions are includedat the end of most sections.


This monograph is focussed onto the sensory consonance of
two simultaneous complex tones. It is intended to add weight
to the hypothesis that our preference for certain two-tones
(e.g., for major or minor thirds at female-singing pitch, or for
perfect fifths at bass pitch) is not only due to education, but
is based on the physiology of our hearing organs. The readers
are expected to know biology, physics, and mathematics at
high-school level. Exercises and their solutions are included
at the end of most sections.

Product details

Authors Reinhart Frosch
Publisher Vdf Hochschulverlag AG
Languages English, German
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 01.10.2012
EAN 9783728135131
ISBN 978-3-7281-3513-1
No. of pages 224
Dimensions 150 mm x 215 mm x 17 mm
Weight 348 g
Illustrations zahlr. Abb., s/w
Subjects Humanities, art, music > Music > Miscellaneous
Natural sciences, medicine, IT, technology > Physics, astronomy > Mechanics, acoustics

Gehör, Wellenmechanik (Vibration und Akustik), Konsonanz, Psychoakustik, Chochlea, Konsonanztheorien, Hörwissenschaften

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