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Informationen zum Autor Electrical Contractors' Association (ECA), ESCA House, London, UK The Electrical Contractors' Association (ECA) is the UK's leading trade association for contractors who design, install, inspect, test and maintain electrical and electronic equipment and services. In its capacity to work with regulatory bodies and government to lead on issues including safety, training, qualification and technological development, ECA is represented on the committees which regularly reviews and updates British Standards on electrical wiring regulations, used in the UK and many commonwealth countries. The ECA has partnered with Wiley on a number of successful books on key topics of interest to its membership. Klappentext This authoritative, best-selling guide has been extensively updated with the new technical requirements of the IET Wiring Regulations (BS 7671: 2008) Amendment No. 1:2011, also known as the IET Wiring Regulations 17th Edition. With clear description, it provides a practical interpretation of the amended regulations - effective January 2012 - offers real solutions to the problems that can occur in practice.This revised edition features:* new material on hot topics such as electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), harmonics, surge protective devices, and new special locations including medical locations, and operative or maintenance gangways;* highlights the changes that have been made in this latest Amendment and their impact in practice;* examples of how to comply with the Wiring Regulations;* fully-integrated colour including sixty brand new colour illustrations, twenty tables and new high-quality photographs.This essential guide retains its handy format, ideal for practicing electricians, trainee electricians and apprentices to carry with them for quick reference. It is a valuable resource for all users of BS 7671 who want to understand the background to the Regulations; electrical engineers and technicians, installation and design engineers, consulting and building services engineers, also dedicated inspectors and testers. Zusammenfassung This authoritative, best-selling guide has been extensively updated with the new technical requirements of the IET Wiring Regulations 17th Edition. With clear description, it provides a practical interpretation of the amended regulations effective January 2012 and offers real solutions to the problems that can occur in practice. Inhaltsverzeichnis Foreword by Giuliano Digilio xi Preface xiii Acknowledgements xv Chapter A - BS 7671:2008 Amd No. 1:2011 Requirements for Electrical Installations - Introduction and Overview 1 A 1 Introduction to BS 7671:2008 1 A 2 Plan and layout of BS 7671:2008 2 A 3 Overview of major changes 5 A 4 Amendment No. 1:2011 9 Chapter B - Legal Relationship and General Requirements of BS 7671:2008 Amd No. 1:2011 11 B 1 Legal requirements and relationship 11 B 1.1 Key legal UK legislation 11 B 1.2 The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 (EWR 1989) 12 B 1.3 The Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002 (as amended) 13 B 1.4 The Electricity Act 1984 (as amended) 14 B 1.5 The Building Act 1984, The Building Regulations and Part P 14 B 1.6 The Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 2006 15 B 1.7 Tort and negligence 15 B 2 The role of Standards 17 B 3 Part 3 of BS 7671:2008 - assessment of general characteristics 18 Chapter C - Circuitry and Related Parts of BS 7671:2008 Amd No. 1:2011 21 C 1 Introduction 21 C 2 Design procedure overview 21 C 3 Load assessment 23 C 3.1 Principles and definitions 23 C 3.2 Maximum demand assessment 24 C 3.3 Diversity 25 C 4 Circuitry design 26 C 4.1 Introduction 26 C 4.2 Protection against overcurrent in general 28 C 4...