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Salute the Dark - Shadows of the Apt vol 4

English · Paperback

New edition in preparation, currently unavailable


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Zusatztext Intense fighting scenes! finely tuned politicking and a few genuine surprises effortlessly coalesce to generate a spectacular instalment Informationen zum Autor Adrian Tchaikovsky was born in Lincolnshire before heading off to Reading to study psychology and zoology. For reasons unclear even to himself he subsequently ended up in law and has worked as a legal executive in both Reading and in Leeds, where he now lives. Married, he is a keen live role-player and occasional amateur actor. He has trained in stage-fighting and keeps no exotic or dangerous pets of any kind, possibly excepting his son. He is the author of the critically acclaimed Shadows of the Apt series, Echoes of the Fall series, and Children of Time , the winner of the 30th Anniversary Arthur C. Clarke Award for Best Science Fiction Novel. Klappentext The fourth book in this epic fantasy series of war and empire.The fourth book in this epic fantasy series of war and empire. Zusammenfassung Adrian Tchaikovsky's epic Shadows of the Apt continues with the fourth instalment in this bestselling fantasy series, Salute the Dark. All must face the end of days . . . The vampiric sorcerer Uctebri has at last got his hands on the Shadow Box and can finally begin his dark ritual – a ritual that the Wasp-kinden Emperor believes will grant him immortality. But Uctebri has his own plans both for the Emperor and the Empire. The massed Wasp armies are on the march, and the spymaster Stenwold must see which of his allies will stand now that the war has finally arrived. This time the Empire will not stop until a black and gold flag waves over Stenwold's own home city of Collegium. Tisamon the Weaponsmaster is faced with a terrible choice: a path that could lead him to abandon his friends and his daughter and to face degradation and loss. Yet it might bring him before the Wasp Emperor with a blade in his hand. But is he being driven by Mantis-kinden honour, or manipulated by something more sinister? Continue this immersive epic fantasy adventure with The Scarab Path . ...


Salute the Dark fulfills the promise of the Apt series . . . An A++ based on my three reads of the book so far FantasyBookCritic blog

Product details

Authors Adrian Tchaikovsky
Publisher Tor Books
Languages English
Age Recommendation from age 18
Product format Paperback
Released 31.08.2012
EAN 9781447208624
ISBN 978-1-4472-0862-4
No. of pages 480
Dimensions 133 mm x 200 mm x 32 mm
Series Tor Books
Shadows of the Apt
Die Schwarmkriege
Shadows of the Apt
Die Schwarmkriege
Subjects Fiction > Science fiction, fantasy

Adventure, Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945), Contemporary Fantasy, Adventure fiction, Fantasy / Contemporary, Fantasy / Action & Adventure

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