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Informationen zum Autor Peter Raven; Susan Eichhorn; Ray Evert Klappentext Laboratory Topics in Botany familiarizes students with recent advances in botany, while maintaining a strong emphasis on the basic facts and principles necessary for a sound foundation in the plant sciences. This manual complements Raven Biology of Plants, Eighth Edition, and has been updated to reflect the changes made to the textbook. Zusammenfassung Long acclaimed as the definitive introductory botany text, Raven Biology of Plants stands as the most significant revision in the book's history. Inhaltsverzeichnis Botany: An IntroductionPART I: THE BIOLOGY OF THE PLANT CELL The Molecular Composition of Plant CellsThe Plant Cell and the Cell CycleThe Movement of Substances Into and Out of CellsPART II: ENERGETICSThe Flow of EnergyRespirationPhotosynthesis, Light, and LifePART III: GENETICS AND EVOLUTIONSexual Reproduction and HeredityThe Chemistry of Heredity and Gene ExpressionRecombinant DNA Technology, Plant Biotechnology, and GenomicsThe Process of EvolutionPART IV: DIVERSITYSystematics: The Science of Biological DiversityProkaryotes and VirusesFungiAlgae and Heterotrophic ProtistsBryophytesSeedless Vascular PlantsGymnospermsIntroduction to the AngiospermsEvolution of the AngiospermsPlants and PeoplePART V: THE ANGIOSPERM PLANT BODY: STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENTEarly Development of the Plant BodyCells and Tissues of the Plant BodyThe Root: Structure and DevelopmentThe Shoot: Primary Structure and DevelopmentSecondary Growth in StemsPART VI: PHYSIOLOGY OF SEED PLANTSRegulating Growth and Development: The Plant HormonesExternal Factors and Plant GrowthPlant Nutrition and SoilsThe Movement of Water and Solutes in PlantsPART VII: ECOLOGYThe Dynamics of Communities and EcosystemsGlobal Ecology Appendix: Classification of OrganismsSuggestions for Further ReadingGlossary