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Informationen zum Autor THE EDITOR Marcel van Ackeren is Associated Professor/Senior Research Fellow in the Philosophy Department at the University of Cologne. He is the author of Das Wissen vom Guten. Bedeutung und Kontinuität des Tugendwissens in den Dialogen Platons (2003), Heraklit (2005), Understanding Ancient Philosophy (edited with Jörn Müller, 2006), The Political Identity of the West. Platonism in the Dialogue of Cultures (edited with Orrin F. Summerell, 2006), Die Philosophie Marc Aurels, 2 vols. (2011), and Meditations and Representations. Marcus Aurelius in Interdisciplinary Light (edited with Jan Opsomer, 2012). Klappentext A Companion to Marcus Aurelius presents the first comprehensive collection of essays to explore all essential facets relating to contemporary Marcus Aurelius studies.* First collection of its kind to commission new state-of-the-art scholarship on Marcus Aurelius* Features readings that cover all aspects of Marcus Aurelius, including source material, biographical information, and writings* Contributions from an international cast of top Aurelius scholars* Addresses evolving aspects of the reception of the Meditations Zusammenfassung A Companion to Marcus Aurelius presents the first comprehensive collection of essays to explore all essential facets relating to contemporary Marcus Aurelius studies. Inhaltsverzeichnis List of Figures ix Notes on Contributors xi Preface xvii List of Abbreviations xix The Study of Marcus Aurelius: Introduction 1 Marcel van Ackeren Part I The Main Sources 11 1 Cassius Dio and the Historia Augusta 13 Anthony R. Birley 2 Archaeological Evidence of the Marcomannic Wars of Marcus Aurelius (AD 166-80) 29 Thomas Fischer 3 The Meditations 45 Matteo Ceporina 4 Marcus Aurelius' Letters 62 Pascale Fleury 5 Epigraphic Records 77 Péter Kovács Part II Biography and Background 93 6 The Political State of the Roman Empire 95 Werner Eck 7 Cultural and Intellectual Background and Development 110 Leofranc Holford-Strevens 8 Early Life: Family, Youth, and Education 139 Anthony R. Birley 9 Marcus' Life as Emperor 155 Anthony R. Birley 10 The Relation of Politics and Philosophy under Marcus Aurelius 171 Lukas de Blois Part III Marcus the Emperor 183 11 Administration and Jurisdiction in Rome and in the Provinces 185 Werner Eck 12 Religion in the Age of Marcus Aurelius 200 Mark J. Edwards 13 The Wars and Revolts 217 Anthony R. Birley 14 The Roman Empire after His Death 234 Olivier Hekster Part IV Material Forms of Self-Representation 249 15 The Column of Marcus Aurelius 251 Martin Beckmann 16 The Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius 264 Peter Stewart 17 Coins 278 Susanne Börner 18 The Portraits: A Short Introduction 294 Dietrich Boschung 19 The Reliefs: Representation of Marcus Aurelius' Deeds 305 Dietrich Boschung Part V Marcus the Philosopher 315 20 The Form and Structure of the Meditations 317 Jean-Baptiste Gourinat 21 The Style of the Meditations 333 Angelo Giavatto 22 Aspects of Orality in (the Text of) the Meditations 346 Michael Erler 23 The Meditations as a (Philosophical) Autobiography 362 Irmgard MEURannlein-Robert 24 Marcus and Previous Stoic Literature 382 Christopher Gill 25 Marcus Aurelius on Physics 396 David Sedley 26 Logic and the Meditations 408 Angelo Giavatto 27 Ethics 420 Jean-Baptist...