Fr. 170.00

Arizona Firestorm - Global Immigration Realities, National Media, and Provincial Politics

English · Hardback

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Informationen zum Autor Edited by Otto Santa Ana and Celeste González de Bustamante Klappentext Arizona Firestorm brings together well respected experts from across the political spectrum to examine and contextualize the political, economic, historical, and legal issues prompted by this and other anti-Latino and anti-immigrant legislation and state actions. It also addresses the media's role in shaping immigration discourse in Arizona and elsewhere. Zusammenfassung Arizona Firestorm brings together well respected experts from across the political spectrum to examine and contextualize the political! economic! historical! and legal issues prompted by this and other anti-Latino and anti-immigrant legislation and state actions. It also addre... Inhaltsverzeichnis DedicationAcknowledgmentsBackgroundChapter 1: Introduction to Arizona Firestorm: Provincial responses to global immigration challenges.Otto Santa AnaChapter 2: Arizona and the making of a State of exclusion.Celeste González de BustamanteChapter 3: Chronology of exclusion.Celeste González de BustamanteChapter 4: The economic impact of immigrants in Arizona.Judith GansFirestormChapter 5: Arizona Senate Bill 1070: Politics through immigration law.Gabriel J. Chin, Carissa Byrne Hessick & Marc MillerChapter 6: Assault on Ethnic Studies.Anna Ochoa O'Leary, Andrea J. Romero, Nolan L. Cabrera & Michelle RascónChapter 7: From Gonzales to Flores: A return to the 'Mexican Room'?Patricia GándaraChapter 8: Illegal accents: Qualifications, discrimination and distraction in Arizona's monitoring of teachers.Jennifer LeemanChapter 9: An immigration crisis in a nation of immigrants: Why amending the Fourteenth Amendment won't solve our problems.Alberto R. GonzalesMass Media RolesChapter 10: National perspectives on state turmoil: Characteristics of elite U.S. newspaper coverage of Arizona SB 1070.Manuel Chavez & Jennifer HoeweChapter 11: Not business as usual: Spanish-language television coverage of Arizona's immigration law, April-May 2010.Mercedes Vigón, Lilliam Martínez-Bustos & Celeste González de BustamanteChapter 12: Between heroes and victims: Mexican newspaper narrative framing of migration.Manuel Alejandro Guerrero & Maria Eugenia CampoProspectsChapter 13: Immigration in the age of global vertigo.Marcelo M. Suárez-Orozco & Carola Suárez-OrozcoChapter 14: Can America learn to think globally? We don't at our own risk.Otto Santa Ana & Celeste González de BustamanteContributorsIndex...

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