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Animals and the Human Imagination - A Companion to Animal Studies

English · Paperback / Softback

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Informationen zum Autor Aaron S. Gross is a professor of theology and religious studies at the University of San Diego and holds a MTS from Harvard Divinity School and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Santa Barbara. He co-chairs the American Academy of Religion's Animals and Religion Group and has played a leading role in a wide variety of national and international animal-welfare campaigns since the mid-1990s. He founded the nonprofit group Farm Forward in 2007. Anne Vallely is a professor of religious studies at the University of Ottawa. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Toronto, and her research focuses on the anthropology of South Asian religiosity, especially that of Jainism, and on the symbolic construction of human/non-human boundaries across cultures. She is the author of Guardians of the Transcendent: An Ethnography of a Jain Acetic Community. Jonathan Safran Foer is the author of Eating Animals, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, and Everything is Illuminated, all international bestsellers. Wendy Doniger is Mircea Eliade Distinguished Service Professor of the History of Religions at the University of Chicago and a member of the Committee on Social Thought. Her books include The Implied Spider: Politics and Theology in Myth; Dreams, Illusions, and Other Realities; Other Peoples' Myths; The Cave of Echoes; and the English-language edition of Yves Bonnefoy's Mythologies. Klappentext Human beings have long imagined their subjectivity, ethics, and ancestry with and through animals, yet not until the mid-twentieth century did contemporary thought reflect critically on animals' significance in human self-conception. Thinkers such as French philosopher Jacques Derrida, South African novelist J. M. Coetzee, and American theorist Donna Haraway have initiated rigorous inquiries into the question of the animal, now blossoming in a number of directions. It is no longer strange to say that if animals did not exist, we would have to invent them. This interdisciplinary and cross-cultural collection reflects the growth of animal studies as an independent field and the rise of "animality" as a critical lens through which to analyze society and culture, on par with race and gender Inhaltsverzeichnis Foreword -- Jonathan Safran Foer Introduction and Overview: Animal Others and Animal Studies -- Aaron Gross Part 1 - Other Animals: Animals Across Cultures1. Hunting and Gathering as Ways of Perceiving the Environment -- Tim Ingold2. On Yeti and Being Just: Carving the Borders of Humanity in Early Modern China -- Carla Nappi3. Pastoral Power in the Postcolony: On the Biopolitics of the Criminal Animal in South India -- Anand Pandian Part 2 - Animal Matters: Human/Animal and the Contemporary West4. Discipline and Distancing: Confined Pigs in the Factory Farm Gulag -- Joel Novak5. Boys Gone Wild: The Animal and the Abject -- Cynthia Chris6. Animal Heroes and Transforming Substance: Canine Characters in Contemporary Children's Literature -- Michelle Superle7. The Making of a Wilderness Icon: Green Fire! Charismatic Species! and the Changing Status of Wolves in the United States -- Gavin van Horn8. Thinking with Surfaces: Animals and Contemporary Art -- Ron Broglio Part 3 - Animal Others: Theorizing Animal/Human9. Being with Animals: Reconsidering Heidegger's Animal Ontology -- Brett Buchanan10. Heidegger and the Dog Whisperer: Imagining Interspecies Kindness -- Ashley E. Pryor11. The Lives of Animals: Wittgenstein! Coetzee! and the Extent of the Sympathetic Imagination -- Undine Sellbach12. Animal! All Too Animal: Blood Music and an Ethic of Vulnerability -- Myra J. Hird Epilogue: Making Animals Vanish -- Wendy Doniger ...

Product details

Authors Gross, Aaron Gross, Aaron (Assistant Professor Gross, Aaron Simon Vallely Gross, Aaron Vallely Gross
Assisted by Aaron Gross (Editor), Aaron (Assistant Professor Gross (Editor), Aaron Simon Gross (Editor), Anne Vallely (Editor), Anne (Associate Professor Vallely (Editor)
Publisher Columbia University Press
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 30.04.2012
EAN 9780231152976
ISBN 978-0-231-15297-6
No. of pages 392
Subjects Humanities, art, music > Philosophy > Miscellaneous
Non-fiction book > Philosophy, religion > Miscellaneous

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