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Handbuch Psychiatriebezogene Sozialpädagogik

German · Hardback


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Many of those who need and receive social-education offers have in fact mental disorders. For this reason it is important to keep the psychiatric perspectives in mind in order to provide optimal care.This handbook is unique in its interdisciplinary approach to the commonalities and differences in the theory, profession and practice of social education and psychiatry. The situations and social problems of people in all phases of life, from early childhood to old age, are presented here. The authors make the case for developing a common understanding of such cases, which would equally benefit both disciplines and professions. Applied models of multiprofessional cooperation are presented for selected syndromes and problem areas.

About the author

Dr. Marc Schmid, Diplom-Psychologe, ist leitender Psychologe der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrischen Klinik der UPK Basel.

Product details

Assisted by Katharina Rensch (Editor), Katharina Rensch u a (Editor), Susanne Schlüter-Müller (Editor), Susanne Schlüter Müller (Editor), Susanne Schlüter-Müller (Editor), Mar Schmid (Editor), Marc Schmid (Editor), Michael Tetzer (Editor)
Publisher Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Languages German
Product format Hardback
Released 01.08.2012
EAN 9783525404423
ISBN 978-3-525-40442-3
No. of pages 581
Dimensions 155 mm x 232 mm x 43 mm
Weight 1072 g
Illustrations mit 15 Abb. und 14 Tab.
Subjects Humanities, art, music > Psychology > Applied psychology
Non-fiction book > Psychology, esoterics, spirituality, anthroposophy > Applied psychology

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