Fr. 16.50

Introducing Kant

English · Paperback / Softback

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b>Immanuel Kant laid the foundations of modern Western thought. Every subsequent major philosopher owes a profound debt to Kant''s attempts to delimit human reason as an appropriate object of philosophical enquiry. /b>And yet, Kant''s relentless systematic formalism made him a controversial figure in the history of the philosophy that he helped to shape.div>br>div>div>i>Introducing Kant/i> focuses on the three critiques of Pure Reason, Practical Reason and Judgement. It describes Kant''s main formal concepts: the relation of mind to sensory experience, the question of freedom and the law and, above all, the revaluation of metaphysics. Kant emerges as a diehard rationalist yet also a Romantic, deeply committed to the power of the sublime to transform experience. The illustrated guide explores the paradoxical nature of the pre-eminent philosopher of the Enlightenment, his ideas and explains the reasons for his undiminished importance in contemporary philosophical debates./div>/div>/div>

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