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Zusatztext International führende Experten vermitteln Ihnen hier Theorie und Praxisvon Sensoren! die auf der Grundlage von Faseroptik arbeiten. Übersichtlichin vier Teile gegliedert! behandelt das Buch Konzepte der Photonik! Bauelementevon Sensorsystemen sowie Prinzipien und Methoden! auf denen Faseroptik-Sensorenberuhen. Sie lernen! wie Sensoren funktionieren! wie sie hergestellt werdenund wo man sie anwendet. Sowohl Laborentwicklungen als auch Feldversuchewerden diskutiert; ein Ausblick auf die Zukunft ist ebenfalls enthalten. Informationen zum Autor José Miguel López-Higuera is the author of Handbook of Optical Fibre Sensing Technology, published by Wiley. Klappentext The field of photonics covers the techniques and scientific knowledge which can be applied to the generation, propogation, control, amplification, detection, storage and processing of signals of the optical spectrum, as well as their technologies and derived uses. Photonics can be divided into several areas in which optical communication and phototonic sensing technology are included. The constant pursuit of more efficient telecommunications has resulted in a major research push aimed at creating communications systems that are lighter, faster, more reliable and cheaper. This has resulted in great advances in devices, subsystems and in particular in fibre optic technology which in turn contributes to advances in fibre sensing technology. Written by a broad spectrum of leading international academic and industry experts, this handbook offers comprehensive coverage of the theory as well as the many successful wide-ranging applications. It is organised into four main parts: * Preliminary: offers an overview of fibre optic sensing technology, the applications where it can be used successfully and provides a general introduction to the handbook. The commercialisation of optical fibre sensors is also reviewed. * Fundamentals of Phototonics and Components for Sensing: describes the phototonic concepts and components needed in order to understand, design and realise phototonic sensor systems. * Principles and Techniques for Sensing: presents the principloes and techniques of phototonic sensing technology enabling the reader to understand how sensors work and how sensors can be made * Applications: provides an overview of the recent developments currently taking place in laboratory and field trials, as well as the available sensors in the present market and the future trends. Applications are featured throughout the text, wheras this part focuses primarily on niche applications. Handbook of Optical Fibre Sensing Technology will prove to be an authoritative and valuable reference for researchers, engineers, graduates and postgraduate students in fibre optic sensing, as well as practising engineers in optical communications, electronic engineering, civil engineering, medical, biomedical, environmental, electric power, space and aerospace industries and robotics. Zusammenfassung The pursuit of more efficient telecommunications has resulted in a major research push towards communication systems that are lighter, faster, more reliable and cheaper. This has given rise to great advances in devices and in fibre optics. A spin off of this research is the development of optical sensors, which use photonic materials and concepts. Inhaltsverzeichnis PART ONE: PRELIMINARY OVERVIEW Introduction to Fibre Optic Sensing Technology (J.M. Lopez-Higuera) The Commercialisation of Fibre Optic Sensors (S.D. Crossley) PART TWO: FUNDAMENTALS OF PHOTONICS AND COMPONENTS FOR SENSING Light and Waveguiding (J.L. Arce-Diego) Optical Waveguides and their Manufacture (J. Zubia and M. Lomer) Passive Bulk Optical Components for Sensing (C. Goméz-Reino, V. Pérez and C. Bao) Fibre and Integrated Optic Components for Sensing (R. Willsch and W. E...