
Death Line (1972) (Blu-ray + DVD)

Inglese · Blu-ray + DVD

US Version | Codice regionale 1, A
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Ulteriori informazioni

For generations, they've lingered beneath the streets of London. But now their last survivor has emerged, driven by a desperate hunger for human flesh! When a prominent politician and a beautiful young woman vanish inside a London subway station, Scotland Yard's Inspector Calhoun (Pleasence) investigates and makes a horrifying discovery. Not only did a group of 19th-century tunnel workers survive a cave-in, but they lived for years in a secret underground enclave by consuming the flesh of their own dead. Now the lone descendant of this grisly tribe has surfaced, prowling the streets of London for fresh victims...and a new mate.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Regista Gary Sherman
Attore Christopher Lee, Donald Pleasence, Norman Rossington, David Ladd
Genere Horror
Contenuto Blu-ray + DVD
Età consigliata 18 anni
Data pubblicazione 28.02.2017
Audio Inglese
Sottotitoli Spagnolo
Anno di produzione 1972
Titolo originale Death Line
Versione US Version
Codice regionale 1, A

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Recensioni dei clienti

  • JAAA!

    Scritta il 13. agosto 2010 da firetrain.
    Questa recensione si riferisce a una versione alternativa.

    Ein absolut spitzenmässiger Kultfilm, der in Deutschland unter dem bekloppten Titel TUNNEL DER LEBENDEN LEICHEN lief! Lebende Leichen gibts natürlich NICHT, dafür jedoch eine Menge Blutszenen, beklemmende Atmosphäre, einen kultigen Donald Pleasence, Christopher Lee usw.
    Lang leben die '70er Jahre!!!

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