Dettagli sul prodotto
Regista | Fritz Lang |
Attore | Edward G. Robinson, Joan Bennett, Raymond Massy, Edmund Breon |
Genere |
Poliziesco |
Contenuto | DVD |
Età consigliata | 12 anni |
Data pubblicazione | 10.07.2007 |
Audio | Inglese (Dolby Digital 1.0), Francese (Dolby Digital 1.0), Spagnolo (Dolby Digital 1.0) |
Sottotitoli | Inglese, Spagnolo |
Formato | 1.33:1 |
Anno di produzione | 1944 |
Titolo originale | The Woman in the Window |
Versione | US Version |
Codice regionale | 1 |
Cast e troupe
Recensioni dei clienti
Far ahead of its time
This sensational little gem from 1944 will definitely surprise you. It is difficult to imagine how it might have been seen and received back in its day, but watching it from today's perspective it becomes clear that the way it tells its story, the literary techniques it employs, it might just have been about 50 or 60 years ahead of its time. Some elements might feel a little out of place or implausible, but those are mere superficialities. But at its core, I don't know any crime drama from its day that might even compare. It also seems to have inspired one particular cult movie of one particular famous director, which would not see the light of day until 57 years later. Buy this DVD, watch the film, and you will know which one I mean. It will be worth it!
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