Fr. 37.50

The History Channel - The Men Who Built America (3 Blu-rays)

English · Blu-ray

US Version | Region code A
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Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan, Ford The Men Who Built America. Meet the titans who forged the foundation of modern America and created the American Dream. The Men Who Built America mini-series shines a spotlight on the influential builders, dreamers and believers whose feats transformed the United States, a nation decaying from the inside after the Civil War, into the greatest economic and technological superpower the world had ever seen. The Men Who Built America is the story of a nation at the crossroads and of the people who catapulted it to prosperity.

Product details

Actor Campbell Scott
Genre Documentary > Potrait, Biography
Documentary > History, Religion, Politics
Content 3 Blu-rays
FSK / age rating from age 12
Publication date 22.01.2013
Audio English
Subtitles English, Spanish
Length 6h 0min
Version US Version
Region code A

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