Fr. 36.50


English · PlayStation 5

UK Version

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The cutest, deadliest, and UNIQUE Rogue-Lite shooting game, featuring AK-wielding Axolotls. Blast your way through the animal kingdom with an arsenal of impressive firearms, powerful power-ups, and even an army of trigger-happy baby axolotls.

Although adorable looking, Axolotls have powerful weapons and will shoot down anything that stands between them and their next meal. Fight your way through various biomes and conquer randomly generated rooms with a fearsome boss at the end of each biome.

Find axolotl eggs and breed powerful new Axolittles, turning them into highly specialized little killing machines. Take your firepower to the next level with permanent recipes that improve your stats. Take no prisoners, eat everything, and become unstoppable.

Channel the incredible regeneration power of the axolotls! If you get downed, you will rise from the ashes and start stronger, unlocking new weapons with each fight. Fight, die, come back stronger and fight again!
On your journey, you will find different baby axolotls: The Axolittles! Bring the Axolittles to your pond; Take care of them with love and care, they will grow up and become your next fighter with killer skills!
Face enemies ranging from elusive sock snakes to giant (knife-wielding) crabs. These bosses will test your regenerative abilities. It's time to take an AK-47 to a knife fight!
Find axolotl eggs and breed powerful new Axolittles, turning them into highly specialized little killing machines. Take your firepower to the next level with permanent recipes that improve your stats. Take no prisoners, eat everything and become unstoppable
Fight up close with the Lotl-Axe or put your phaser in “KILL” mode… You choose your play style! Take your firepower to the next level with powerful power-ups like Mjolnir, Gamer Juice or… Cousin Carl?

Product details

Label Diverse
Category Games > Shooter
Publication date 19.02.2024
Handbook English
Version UK Version

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