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Was ist Philosophie? German 28.11.2019 Paperback / Softback Fr. 22.50 1-3 working days
Leibniz und Kant German 01.07.2011 Hardback Fr. 205.00 4-7 working days
Conversational Pressure English 23.07.2020 Hardback Fr. 140.00 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Objectivity English 02.07.2011 Paperback / Softback Fr. 64.20 at least 4 weeks (title will be specially ordered)
Denkwege German 01.03.2013 Paperback / Softback Fr. 12.90 1-3 working days
Analytische Einführung in die Erkenntnistheorie German 27.07.2017 Paperback / Softback Fr. 40.50 4-7 working days
Die Weisheit der Stoiker German 23.01.2023 Paperback / Softback Fr. 17.50 1-3 working days
Reality and Morality English 02.07.2020 Hardback Fr. 126.00 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
American Pragmatism and Poetic Practice English 15.02.2017 Paperback / Softback Fr. 54.60 3-5 weeks (title will be specially ordered)
Practical Shape English 09.07.2020 Paperback / Softback Fr. 40.50 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Body and Gender, Soul and Reason in Late Antiquity English 30.06.2020 Paperback / Softback Fr. 65.00 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Epistemic Innocence of Irrational Beliefs English 30.06.2020 Hardback Fr. 126.00 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Consciousness and Meaning English 16.06.2020 Paperback / Softback Fr. 52.90 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
David Hume, Eine Untersuchung über den menschlichen Verstand German 01.05.2013 Hardback Fr. 41.50 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Against Method English 11.05.2010 Hardback Fr. 115.00 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
Inquiry, Knowledge, and Understanding English 01.04.2021 Hardback Fr. 166.90 3-5 weeks (title will be specially ordered)
Objectivity English 01.08.2010 Hardback Fr. 156.00 at least 4 weeks (title will be specially ordered)
Instrumental Rationality English 29.04.2020 Hardback Fr. 126.00 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)