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Mala indole Spanish 01.06.2014 Paperback / Softback Fr. 27.50 1-3 working days
Siddhartha, edition escolar Spanish 16.04.2010 Paperback / Softback Fr. 24.90 4-7 working days
El sueio del Celta / The Dream of the Celt Spanish 22.06.2015 Paperback / Softback Fr. 26.50 4-7 working days
'Quien mato a Palomino Molero? / Who Killed Palomino Molero? Spanish 01.06.2015 Paperback / Softback Fr. 28.90 4-7 working days
Conversacion en la catedral / Conversation in the Cathedral Spanish 01.06.2015 Paperback / Softback Fr. 33.50 4-7 working days
El paraiso en la otra esquina / The Way to Paradise: A Novel Spanish 01.06.2015 Paperback / Softback Fr. 31.50 4-7 working days
La casa verde / The Green House Spanish 01.06.2015 Paperback / Softback Fr. 28.90 4-7 working days
2666 Spanish 19.01.2017 Paperback / Softback Fr. 33.50 4-7 working days
Un baile de mascaras / Masked Ball Spanish 01.09.2018 Paperback / Softback Fr. 12.50 1-3 working days
LA CIUDAD Y LOS PERROS Spanish 01.06.2015 Paperback / Softback Fr. 15.50 1-2 weeks
Final del juego / End of the Game Spanish 31.05.2016 Paperback / Softback Fr. 24.90 4-7 working days
Todos los fuegos el fuego / All Fires the Fire Spanish 31.05.2016 Paperback / Softback Fr. 24.90 4-7 working days
Cuentos Completos 1 1945 1966 . Julio Cortazar; Complete Short Spanish 31.05.2016 Paperback / Softback Fr. 28.90 4-7 working days
SOLDADOS DE SALAMINA Spanish 31.01.2016 Paperback / Softback Fr. 17.90 4-7 working days
La isla bajo el mar Spanish 16.12.2014 Paperback / Softback Fr. 28.90 3-5 weeks
El hablador / The Storyteller Spanish 01.06.2015 Paperback / Softback Fr. 16.50 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
La civilizacion del espectaculo / The Spectacle Civilization Spanish 25.09.2018 Paperback / Softback Fr. 17.90 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
La orgia perpetua / The Perpetual Orgy: Flaubert and Madame Bovary Spanish 01.06.2015 Paperback / Softback Fr. 16.50 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
El hombre duplicado / The Double Spanish 01.09.2015 Paperback / Softback Fr. 20.50 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)
La balsa de piedra / The Stone Raft Spanish 01.09.2015 Paperback / Softback Fr. 20.50 1-3 weeks (not available at short notice)