Product details
Authors | Ali Standish |
Assisted by | Iacopo Bruno (Illustration), Johann von Bülow (Reader / Narrator), Sandra Knuffinke (Translation), Jessika Komina (Translation) |
Publisher | Der Audio Verlag, DAV |
Languages | German |
Age Recommendation | from age 10 |
Product format | CD-Audio (Playing time: 9h 30min) |
Released | 11.07.2024 |
EAN | 9783742432643 |
ISBN | 978-3-7424-3264-3 |
Dimensions | 138 mm x 4 mm x 144 mm |
Weight | 58 g |
Series |
Baskerville Hall |
Subjects |
Children's and young people's books
> Children's books up to 11 years of age
Dinosaurier, Detektiv, CD, Detektivgeschichte, In Bezug auf Neun- bis Zwölfjährige, Internat, Edinburg / Edinburgh, Sherlock Holmes, ungekürzt, Internatsgeschichte, Arthur Conan Doyle, Watson, Enola Holmes, Moriarty, Northwest-England, Sherlock Holmes für Kinder, Irene Adler, Pterodaktylus, Enola, Kinder/Jugendliche: Freundschaftsgeschichten, empfohlenes Alter: ab ca. 10 Jahre |
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