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All the information required to get to grips with the fundamentals of electronics, detailing the underpinning knowledge necessary to appreciate the operation of a wide range of electronic circuits. The book's content is matched to the latest pre-degree level courses (from Level 2 up to, and including, Foundation Degree and HND).
List of contents
Preface A note for teachers and lecturers A word about safety 1. Electrical fundamentals 2. Passive components 3. D.C. circuits 4. Alternating voltage and current 5. Semiconductors 6. Power supplies – includes a new section 7. Amplifiers 8. Operational amplifiers 9. Oscillators 10. Logic circuits 11. Microprocessers 12. The 555 timer 13. Test equipment and measurements 14. Fault finding 15. Sensors and interfacing 16. Circuit simulation 17. The PIC microcontroller 18. Electronic applications and the Raspberry Pi 19. Electronic applications and the Arduino 20. Circuit construction Appendix 1 Student assignments Appendix 2 Revision problems Appendix 3 Answers to problems Appendix 4 Pin connections Appendix 5 1N4148 data sheet Appendix 6 2N3904 data sheet Appendix 7 Decibels Appendix 8 Mathematics for electronics Appendix 9 Useful web addresses Appendix 10 A low-cost bench power supply Index
About the author
Mike Tooley has over 30 years' experience of teaching electrical principles, electronics and avionics to engineers and technicians, previously as Head of Department of Engineering and Vice Principal at Brooklands College in Surrey, UK, and currently works as a consultant and freelance technical author.
All the information required to get to grips with the fundamentals of electronics, detailing the underpinning knowledge necessary to appreciate the operation of a wide range of electronic circuits. The book's content is matched to the latest pre-degree level courses (from Level 2 up to, and including, Foundation Degree and HND).