Fr. 27.90

The Diary of a Secret Royal

English · Hardback

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Informationen zum Autor Henry Morris convinced the country he was a Tory MP with his Secret Tory Twitter account, delighting users with parodies of Samuel Pepys, Gulliver’s Travels and government WhatsApp chats. A personal trainer, Henry spends his spare time dabbling in stand-up, putting on raves, stopping birds of prey from being killed by toffs, running ultra-marathons, and producing open-air Shakespeare. Klappentext The most scandalous Royal book of the year Vorwort (Almost!) True Stories from Inside the Royal Family Zusammenfassung The most scandalous Royal book of the year

About the author

Henry Morris convinced the country he was a Tory MP with his Secret Tory Twitter account, delighting users with parodies of Samuel Pepys, Gulliver's Travelsand government WhatsApp chats. A personal trainer, Henry spends his spare time dabbling in stand-up, putting on raves, stopping birds of prey from being killed by toffs, running ultra-marathons, and producing open-air Shakespeare.

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