Fr. 17.90

Acta Capituli Provincialis. Almæ S. Vincentii Ferrerii Sac. Ord. Præd. Provinciæ Goathimalanæ - In Magno Ss. P. N. Dominici Conv. De Goathimala XVI Kalendas Februarii Ann. Dom. 1818 (Classic Reprint)

Latin · Paperback / Softback

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Product details

Authors Unknown Author
Publisher Forgotten Books
Languages Latin
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 01.01.2018
EAN 9780483104464
ISBN 978-0-483-10446-4
No. of pages 74
Dimensions 152 mm x 229 mm x 4 mm
Weight 113 g
Subject Education and learning > Schoolbooks, general education schools

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