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Klappentext Venice. Zusammenfassung Monocle reports from around the globe. As its editors and correspondents dart from city to city! they get to know the best places to rest their heads! stretch their limbs! and kick back with a contact in a hard-to-find cocktail bar. That information is now available in The Monocle Travel Guide Series: a line-up of titles that speaks to readers in an informed but informal way about everything from architecture to art! late-night bars to early-morning markets. Designed to be compact and collectible! these books go beyond the traditional tourist beats to make sure visitors get the best out of a city —no matter how short their stay. The guides are also discerning: they will not list a hundred places to eat! but they will focus on what is best for any occasion.

Product details

Authors Tyler Brule, Monocle, Joe Pickard, Andrew Tuck
Assisted by Tyler Brulé (Editor), Tyle Brûlé (Editor), Tyler Brûlé (Editor), Monocle (Editor), Joe Pickard (Editor), Andrew Tuck (Editor)
Languages English
Product format Hardback
Released 01.05.2017
EAN 9783899559033
ISBN 978-3-89955-903-3
Weight 400 g
Series The Monocle Travel Guide Series
The Monocle Travel Guide Series
Subjects Travel > Travel guides

Venedig, Reiseführer, Geografie, Reisen, entdecken, Monocle

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