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Klappentext A comprehensive discussion of the rituals and objects used in ancient Egyptian burials and the mummification process. Zusammenfassung Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis Budge (1857–1934) was a prominent English Egyptologist. First published in 1893, this study contains detailed discussions of the funerary rituals and objects used in Egyptian burials. The text of this reissue is taken from the expanded second edition, published in 1925. Inhaltsverzeichnis Preface; 1. The land of Egypt and its divisions; 2. The nomes of Egypt; 3. The Nile and the annual inundation; 4. The ancient Egyptians, the Libyans, Hamites, etc.; 5. Egyptian chronology; 6. Outline of the history of Egypt; 7. List of the Nesubati and Son-of-Ra names of the principal kings of Egypt; 8. The decipherment of the Egyptian hieroglyphs; 9. The Egyptian language; Egyptian writing; 10. Egyptian writing materials; 11. Writing implements; 12. A list of the commonest hieroglyphs; 13. A list of the commonest determinatives; 14. The mummy, methods of mummifying, etc.; 15. Mummy labels; 16. Mummy cloth, byssus and Akhmim swathings; 17. Spindles, whorls and heckling combs; 18. The mummy-grid and mummy-board; 19. The cartonnage mummy-case; 20. Beadwork on mummies; 21. Painted and inscribed linen shrouds; 22. Models of personal attendants and slaves in the tomb; 23. Mummy labels or tickets; 24. The Book of the Dead; 25. Anointing tablets and the seven holy oils; 26. The vases of the four sons of Horus, or 'Canopic' jars; 27. Chests for 'Canopic' jars; 28. The head-rest, or pillow; 29. Pectorals in porcelain and steatite; 30. Shauabtiu, or Ushabtiu figures; 31. Ushabtiu in small sarcophagi and coffins; 32. Objects for the toilet; 33. Beads and necklaces, rings, bracelets, armlets, etc.; 34. The cylindrical seal, or seal-cylinder; 35. The scarab and the scarabaeus sacer; 36. The scarab of the heart; 37. Historical or memorial scarabs of Amenhetep III; 38. Amulets; 39. Gnostic amulets; 40. An Egyptian funeral in the dynastic period; 41. The ceremony of the four blazing flames; 42. Figures of Egyptian gods; 43. Graecized figures of Egyptian gods; 44. Wooden figures of Asar and Ptah-Seker-Asar; 45. Figures of animals, birds and reptiles, sacred to the gods; 46. Vessels in earthenware, stone, glass, etc.; 47. Funerary terra-cotta cones; 48. The Egyptian grave and tomb; 49. The Egyptian sarcophagus; 50. The Egyptian coffin; 51. The Hetep, or tablet for sepulchral offerings; 52. Censer, lustration vase, libation bucket; 53. Sepulchral stelae and tablets; 54. Foundation deposits; 55. Obelisks; 56. The tomb statue or Ka figure; 57. Models of objects used at the opening of the mouth; 58. Models of boats; 59. The spirit house; 60. Wands and other objects in ivory; 61. The cippus of Horus; 62. Draughts and draught-boards; 63. Toys; 64. Hypocephali; 65. Time; 66. The year; 67. Numbers; Index....