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Arab American Literature and Culture

English, German · Hardback

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This volume focuses on the literature and culture of Arabs living in the United States who have gained new prominence after 9/11. For a proper assessment of their situation it seeks to provide basic information on the history and transculturation of immigrants from different parts of the Arab world. The contributions, which result from a teacher training conference, present survey articles on Arab American literature, politics and immigration laws, a case study of the transnational network of Arab families, discussions of Arab American fiction, film, theatre and poetry. The articles also address issues of teaching new forms of this literature and culture in the EFL classroom. Photographs of American mosques document the distribution of Islamic centers of worship and their integration into the urban landscape across the United States.

About the author

Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung lehrt am Institut für Amerikanistik der Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz mit den Forschungsschwerpunkten Transnationale Literaturen und Kulturen sowie Life Writing. Er ist Gründungsmitglied der International Auto/Biography Association.

Martina Kohl wurde am 19.10.1966 in Kassel geboren.
Ihre Ausbildung absolvierte die Diplom-Szenebildnerin für Film und Fernsehen an der Fachhochschule für Gestaltung in Hamburg, an der Hochschule der Künste in Berlin sowie an der Filmhochschule Konrad Wolff in Potsdam-Babelsberg.
Am Illustrieren von Bilderbüchern gefällt ihr besonders, dass Kinder in ihren Bildern Dinge aus ihrem Alltag wieder entdecken und ihre Fantasie angestoßen wird. Sie hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, sich mit jedem Bild weiter zu entwickeln und selbst Neues zu entdecken.
Martina Kohl singt und tanzt für ihr Leben gern und liebt Literatur und Kino. Sie lebt in Berlin.


This volume focuses on the literature and culture of Arabs living in the United States who have gained new prominence after 9/11. For a proper assessment of their situation it seeks to provide basic information on the history and transculturation of immigrants from different parts of the Arab world. The contributions, which result from a teacher training conference, present survey articles on Arab American literature, politics and immigration laws, a case study of the transnational network of Arab families, discussions of Arab American fiction, film, theatre and poetry. The articles also address issues of teaching new forms of this literature and culture in the EFL classroom. Photographs of American mosques document the distribution of Islamic centers of worship and their integration into the urban landscape across the United States.

Product details

Assisted by Alfre Hornung (Editor), Alfred Hornung (Editor), Kohl (Editor), Kohl (Editor), Martina Kohl (Editor)
Publisher Universitätsverlag Winter
Languages English, German
Product format Hardback
Released 01.12.2013
EAN 9783825358914
ISBN 978-3-8253-5891-4
No. of pages 299
Dimensions 135 mm x 210 mm x 22 mm
Weight 445 g
Illustrations 21 Abbildungen
Series American Studies / A Monograph Series
American Studies
American Studies - A Monograph Series
American Studies
Subjects Humanities, art, music > Linguistics and literary studies > English linguistics / literary studies

Arabische Literatur, USA; Politik, Zeitgeschichte, Einwanderung, Arabische Kultur, nine eleven, EFL Classroom, Elfter September, Hammad, Suheir, amerikanische Muslime, arabisch-amerikanische Literatur, Gerban, Mark, arabisch-amerikanisches Theater, El Guindi, Yussef

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