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English · Paperback / Softback

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Winner! 1990 Drama Desk Award for Outstanding One-Person Show
Adapted from the words and works of Truman Capote, Tru takes place in the writer's New York City apartment during the week before Christmas 1975. An excerpt from Capote's infamous novel Answered Prayers has recently been published in Esquire and the author's friends, recognizing the characters as thinly veiled versions of themselves, have turned their back on the man they once considered a close confida

Product details

Authors Jay Presson Allen, Jay Presson Capote Allen, Truman Capote, Jay Capote Presson Allen
Publisher French Samuel
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 13.03.2013
EAN 9780573700347
ISBN 978-0-573-70034-7
No. of pages 42
Subject Fiction > Narrative literature

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