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History of India Under the Two First Sovereigns of the House of - Taimur, Baber and Humayu

English · Paperback / Softback

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Klappentext This two-volume work of 1854 describes the history of India under the Mughal rulers Babur and his son Humayun. Zusammenfassung This two-volume work by the Scots orientalist and historian William Erskine (1773–1852), published posthumously by his son in 1854, describes the history of India under the Mughal rulers Babur and his son Humayun, and is acknowledged as one of the earliest western scholarly accounts of Mughal rulers in India. Inhaltsverzeichnis Notice; Author's preface; Preliminary remarks; Introduction: 1. General account of the Tartar tribes; 2. Chengíz Khán; 3. Chaghatai Khan; 4. New Túrki Dynasty under Mír Taimur; History of Báber: Book I. From Báber's Accession to his First Expulsion from Máwerannaher: 1. Conquest and loss of Samarkand. Loss and recovery of Andeján; 2. Sheibáni Khan. Conquest and loss of Samarkand; 3. Sheibáni's conquest of Táskhend and Ferghána. Expulsion of Báber; Book II. Báber's Transactions in Kábul and Máwerannaher: 1. Conquest of Kábul; 2. Journey to and from Khorásán. Khan Mírza's rebellion; 3. Conquest and loss of Kandahár. Rebellion of the Moghuls; 4. Shah Ismael and Sheibáni. Báber in Máwerannaher; 5. Arghúns in Kandahár; 6. Arghún conquest of Sind and Multán; i. Conquest of Sind; ii. Conquest of Lower Sind and Multán; Book III. Báber in India: 1. Invasions of India. Battle of Pánipat. Subversion of the Lodi dynasty; 2. War of Ráná Sánga, and Chándéri; 3. Báber's campaigns on the Ganges; 4. Báber's illness, death, and character; Appendix; Index.

Product details

Authors William Erskine
Publisher Cambridge University Press ELT
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 24.05.2012
EAN 9781108046190
ISBN 978-1-108-04619-0
No. of pages 608
Series Cambridge Library Collection -
Subjects Humanities, art, music > History > Regional and national histories
Non-fiction book > History > Miscellaneous

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