- Humanities, art, music 4,295,354
- Fiction 3,640,844
- Non-fiction book 2,196,303
- History 651,341
- Miscellaneous 507,176
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- Pre and early history, antiquity 8,132
- 20th century (up to 1945) 2,556
- Contemporary history (1945 to 1989) 1,968
- Modern era up to 1918 1,031
- General, reference works 1,009
- Middle Ages 813
- Philosophy, religion 531,647
- Dictionaries, reference works 389,489
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- Politics, society, business 138,453
- Nature, technology 129,709
- Music, film, theatre 65,462
- Art, literature 22,255
- History 651,341
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- Guides 1,369,414
- Education and learning 531,883
- Travel 217,106
- 1
- Paperback / Softback 476
- Hardback 501
- Audio book 12
- other 20