- Humanities, art, music 4,296,526
- Fiction 3,629,654
- Non-fiction book 2,194,778
- Social sciences, law, business 2,101,898
- Natural sciences, medicine, IT, technology 1,971,699
- Children's and young people's books 1,408,496
- Guides 1,365,861
- Education and learning 530,711
- Travel 216,721
- Travel guides 113,176
- Maps, city plans, atlases 31,657
- Travelogues, traveller's tales 30,975
- Sports and active travel 17,658
- Illustrated books 11,811
- Germany 3,840
- Europe 3,090
- World, Arctic, Antarctic 775
- North and Central America 679
- Asia 484
- Africa 298
- Australia, New Zealand, Oceania 177
- South America 155
- Middle East 143
- Hotel and restaurant guides 3,764
- Map accessories, miscellaneous 1,636
- Globes 38
- 1
- Paperback / Softback 114
- Hardback 617
- Audio book 3
- Calendar 26
- other 15