Fr. 22.50

Studio 3


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Named after the iconic Abbey Road studio room where it was recorded, Studio 3 is Rogers & Butler's vibrant homage to the musical sounds of the sixties and seventies. From the electrifying opener "Soho Fantasy" to the mind-bending closer "Scarlett Letter," this album captures the melodic brilliance and raw energy that defined a generation. Blending the swagger of New York rock with the charm of the London music scene, Rogers & Butler's ear for melody and authentic sound will transport you back to the golden age of British rock. Each track on Studio 3 seamlessly blends past and present, to create a sound that is both nostalgic and refreshingly new. The twelve songs were recorded live in a marathon two-day session with all the musicians in the studio, capturing lightning in a bottle and eschewing modern recording techniques such as auto-tuning, click tracks, and extensive editing. Joining the duo at Abbey Road were producer Don Piper (guitar) and veteran British musicians Andy Lewis (bass) and Ian Button (drums). The album was expertly engineered by Chris Bolster, known for his work with Paul McCartney, Kate Bush, and Oasis. With lush arrangements, infectious hooks, and timeless production quality, Studio 3 promises to captivate and inspire. This album is a must-have for fans who want to experience the magic of a bygone era through a modern kaleidoscopic lens.


Interpreten Rogers & Butler
Genre Pop, Rock
Inhalt CD
Erscheinungsdatum 20.09.2024





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