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The book describes the mechanisms that make formal logic possible, before discussing errors that occur in our cortical constructs, and the implications this has for abstract thought. The book then goes on to explore the roles of emotion and embodiment, and the unique relationship they have in minimising the shortcomings of our physiology to provide us with an understanding of mathematics.
Table of Contents
List of Figures
Chapter 1. The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics
Chapter 2. Why logic is never ideal
Chapter 3. Working memory and logical limitations
Chapter 4. Overpowered by emotion
Chapter 5. From cognition to recognition and back again
Chapter 6. Non-algorithmic thinking machine?
Chapter 7. How mathematics can outwit physiology
Über den Autor / die Autorin
Anna Sverdlik is a clinical psychiatrist at Tel Hashomer, a major Israeli hospital. She specializes in brain injury and neurocognitive disorders.
The book describes the mechanisms that make formal logic possible, before discussing errors that occur in our cortical constructs, and the implications this has for abstract thought. The book then goes on to explore the roles of emotion and embodiment, and the unique relationship they have in minimising the shortcomings of our physiology to provide us with an understanding of mathematics.
This is a remarkable book, taking on the under-investigated overlap between two
very disparate worlds: on the one hand mathematics and rationality, contrasted with
emotions and embodiment. Based on the discoveries of modern affective neuroscience,
the book makes an impressive attempt at bridging the important conceptual divide
between feelings and formal thinking, a divide almost as troubling as that between
mind and brain itself. It made me think about some old ideas in quite new ways.’
Professor Oliver Turnbull, Bangor University, UK
‘Anna Sverdlik takes the reader on a fascinating journey to discover the nature of
abstract thinking from a neuroscience perspective. Using mathematics as an example,
she illustrates how our thinking is deeply rooted in a non-algorithmic component that
relies on our visceral system. The beauty and elegance of mathematics precisely lies
in the fact that it unites logical thinking supported by our neocortex with intuitions
supported by our emotions and body that have evolved to solve problems over
thousands of years.’
Dr. Melissa Libertus, University of Pittsburgh, USA