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Englisch · Taschenbuch


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In Toronto, 2032, the human race is all but extinct. Only a few humans have survived the Outbreak. Ewan, a former high school biology teacher, and his son Tim have made the Royal Ontario Museum their home, a last outpost of humanity.

They are both haunted by the loss of their family who were savagely killes by the Creatures who now rule the Earth. Ewan has given up on having any kind of future for his son, but when they encounter another group of survivors he realizes the may have a chance against the Creatures.

The survivors set out on an epic jourey to find an antidote. But what they don't count on is a new, powerful force that has evolved from the ashes and is intent on exterminating humans all together.


Autoren Guido Baechler, Joel-Mark Harris
Verlag Guido Baechler
Sprache Englisch
Produktform Taschenbuch
Erschienen 25.01.2017
EAN 9781514884133
ISBN 978-1-5148-8413-3
Seiten 519
Abmessung 150 mm x 210 mm x 22 mm
Gewicht 462 g
Thema Belletristik > Science Fiction, Fantasy > Science Fiction, Fantasy


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