Fr. 36.50

Armide (2 CD)


Spedizione di solito entro 1 a 3 giorni lavorativi


Ulteriori informazioni

Armide war die letzte tragédie lyrique von Lully und Quinault: zweifellos Quinaults beste dramatische Leistung und der Höhepunkt der von Lully konzipierten tragédie en musique, der im Jahr nach ihrer Entstehung starb. Nie war die Sprache in Lullys Musik so schön und tragisch, und das Drama des christlichen Ritters, der sich in die Zauberin verliebt, die sich weigert, ihn zu töten, war so tief empfunden, dass es ein Jahrhundert lang auf der Bühne blieb.

Armide was Lully and Quinault's last tragedie lyrique: undoubtedly Quinault's finest dramatic achievement, and the culmination of the tragedie en musique conceived by Lully, who died the year after it's creation. Never has language appeared so beautiful and tragic in Lully's music, and the drama of this Christian knight falling in love with the sorceress who refuses to kill him was so deeply felt that it remained on stage for a century! Here, Vincent Dumestre passionately conducts Lully's last masterpiece, whose eponymous character, played by the immense Stephanie D'Oustrac, never ceases to bewitch us.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Compositori Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687)
Interpreti Le Poeme Harmonique, Vincent Dumestre (Direttore)
Genere Classique > Opera
Contenuto 2 CD
Data pubblicazione 24.05.2024

Canzoni - Disc 1 (CD)

Canzoni - Disc 2 (CD)


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