Fr. 37.50

Do Not Open

Inglese, Francese · PlayStation 4

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Ulteriori informazioni

In October 1994, three film students disappeared in the woods near Burkittsville, Maryland, while shooting a documentary. A year later, their film was found.

Venture into a land haunted by the souls of the dead from the fierce and deadly Civil War battle of South Mountain and an infamous witch hunt

Struggle to escape the "fictional" home of Elly Kedward, better known as the Blair Witch, a house you are trapped in, as you search for your wife and daughter.

A tragic story inspired by true events, about a man's struggle to keep his sanity and turn off the voices in his head. Schizophrenia or reality?

Designed as a true survival-horror, infused with vulnerability and fear, the emphasis is on hiding rather than fighting and there are no second chances, your character only has one life.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Label Perp Games
Categoria Games > Horror
PEGI 18 anni
Data pubblicazione 24.02.2023
Manuale Inglese, Francese
Testi visibili sullo schermo/sottotitoli Italiano, Inglese, Tedesco, Francese, Spagnolo

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